Teradata Holiday
Gift Drive 2022
Make This Holiday a Memorable One for Families Escaping Domestic Violence
For almost 20 years, Teradata has given the gift of love to families escaping the darkness of domestic violence. Many who are fleeing an abusive relationship leave on a moments notice and with only the clothes on their backs. Imagine leaving everything in your life behind as you start on a new life for you and your children.
Teradata has partnered with Su Casa – Ending Domestic Violence to provide gifts and holiday cheer to families who are in need due to escaping a relationship racked in domestic violence. Last year we overcame covid and set records in donations for our families. We were able to provide a special holiday for our families that they will never forget. For many in Su Casa’s domestic violence shelter, this could even be the first family holiday free from fear and violence.
Su Casa is asking you again to ensure that this holiday will also be one filled with love.
Please consider these three ways to give this year and make the holiday special for Su Casa’s families. All items should be scheduled for delivery to Su Casa in time for the holiday.
1. Online Financial Contribution – Follow the link to the right to make a direct cash contribution. Your donation will be credited to the Teradata Holiday Drive and will be our families holiday special.
2. Gift Cards – Su Casa can redeem gift cards for items to meet specific needs of our families for the holidays and throughout the year. Gift Cards from retailers such as Target and Walmart, grocery stores, and gas stations are very much welcomed. Cards can be mailed to our administrative office (address listed below). Please include a note that lets us know this donation came from a Teradata team member.
3. Amazon Wish List – take a look at our Amazon wish lists. The items on the list may give an can give you an idea of what our residents need. Of course household items, perfumes, videos, and toys for boys and girls of all ages are appreciated. Please click the button to the right. We want to thank each donor for their generosity so please make sure that when you get to the checkout, click on gift receipt and include your name.
Su Casa provides domestic violence services, counseling, and shelter to over 300 survivors and their children each year. Most come to Su Casa from a crisis situation and usually with only the clothes on their backs making gifts at this time even more important.
Donations or Gift Cards can also be mailed to:
Su Casa – Ending Domestic Violence
3750 E. Anaheim Street, suite 100
Long Beach, CA 90804
For more information, please contact:
Dean Lockwood
(760) 218-0018
I want women to know that they deserve a life of respect, dignity and freedom – that it’s never too late to speak up. Every individual has the right to live free from violence or the threat of violence.
Click here to make an on-line donation
Children’s Clothing Amazon wish list
Women’s Clothing amazon wish list
Children’s Toys amazon wish list
Shelter Needs amazon wish list
We Thank You For Supporting Su Casa
-Hispa of Teradata Employees-
-Teradata Cares-
Our Support To Those In Need
Bed Nights Utilized
Hotline Calls
Counseling Sessions
children's counseling sessions
client's through Walk In Resource Center
client's receiving emergency food & clothing
client's receiving Criminal Justice & Social Service advocacy
Years of providing domestic violence services to the community
Help Support Su Casa
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