Provides a welcome care package for a new resident, including toiletries and basic essentials.

Pays for transportation costs, such as a bus pass or rideshare, to help a resident attend a job interview or court appointment.

Purchases school supplies, uniforms, and backpacks for children starting at a new school.

Provides tailored care packages for new residents, including clothing, toiletries, and comfort items.

Covers the cost of a holiday celebration or special event for all shelter residents, complete with food, decorations, and gifts.

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Join Su Casa as we work to end domestic violence and build a community of peace.

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Our Support To Those In Need

Bed Nights Utilized

Hotline Calls

Counseling Sessions

children's counseling sessions

client's through Walk In Resource Center

client's receiving emergency food & clothing

client's receiving Criminal Justice & Social Service advocacy

Years of providing domestic violence services to the community